Product Description
Camacho cigars are ranked highly among the world's best handmade premium cigar brands. Renowned for their extra-flavorful blends created with tobaccos grown exclusively in Honduras' fertile Jamastran valley, every Camacho cigar assures you a hearty, well-balanced smoke of superior quality. If you love full-flavored cigars, Camacho cigars are must-smokes that deserve to be part of your regular rotation.
This blend really has it all, from an inviting, invigorating flavor palate to a mix of well-chosen tobacco leaves. There’s an intensity to this medium to full-bodied handmade cigar that makes it hard to put down. With an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper leaf, a Brazilian binder, and a blend of long fillers from Honduras and the Dominican, Camacho Ecuador is the total package. The flavors are exciting, and include tones of pepper with light floral and citrus notes for balance.
Camacho Ecuador Churchill Cigars are 7 inches long with a ring gauge of 48 and 20 and now they are available as single cigars. The only downside is the limited quantities that come along with a blend as unique and masterful as the Ecuador so make sure you get your supply today.
Product Description
Camacho cigars are ranked highly among the world's best handmade premium cigar brands. Renowned for their extra-flavorful blends created with tobaccos grown exclusively in Honduras' fertile Jamastran valley, every Camacho cigar assures you a hearty, well-balanced smoke of superior quality. If you love full-flavored cigars, Camacho cigars are must-smokes that deserve to be part of your regular rotation.
This blend really has it all, from an inviting, invigorating flavor palate to a mix of well-chosen tobacco leaves. There’s an intensity to this medium to full-bodied handmade cigar that makes it hard to put down. With an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper leaf, a Brazilian binder, and a blend of long fillers from Honduras and the Dominican, Camacho Ecuador is the total package. The flavors are exciting, and include tones of pepper with light floral and citrus notes for balance.
Camacho Ecuador Churchill Cigars are 7 inches long with a ring gauge of 48 and 20 and now they are available as single cigars. The only downside is the limited quantities that come along with a blend as unique and masterful as the Ecuador so make sure you get your supply today.