Product Description
Your chance to sample every Cuban Crafters Cigars. This cigar sampler cedar gift box has 6 original style cuban cigars; a CHAIRMAN (6" X 60 Ring Gauge), a TORPEDO (6" X 54), a CHURCHILL (7" X 52), a TORO (6" X 52), a CAMPANA (5 1/2" x 60) and a ROBUSTO (5" X 52). Cabinet Selection Cigars are skillfully hand-made by master rollers with years of experience. The Filler is a sun-grown Cuban-Seed Habano. The Binder is a superior quality Habano 2000. They are all draped in a dark Habano Wrapper leaf from Ecuador, and are meticulously finished the original way, with a long curly head. These are handmades for those who enjoy an intensely flavorful cigar that has well balanced floral flavors, leather undertones, hints of spices and nuts. It ends with whispers of coffee and chocolate. Each cigar is a work of art. This is one of the finest cigar samplers available.
Cuban Crafters Cigars bring back the times when those from Cuba were the best in the world. Meticulously hand made by skilled master rollers, the cigars are silky and impeccably box-pressed, and hand detailed the way that they used to be in the fields of Cuba. They have a cap that is finished with a long curly head. As in the Cuba of the past, each tobacco leaf is hand picked to compliment the others. The cigars are then cured and aged through a long and extensive labor-intensive process. After three years and five curing fermentations, the leaves evolve into great Puros at the hands of skilled artisans. Smoking the cigar is so unique that you will think you are enjoying those from the past. The draw is firm. It burns evenly. The white ash is long and clean. The complex taste is intensely flavorful and full in body. This is what smoking a cigar is all about.