Product Description
Your chance to sample every Cuban Crafters Connecticut Cigars. This cigar sampler cedar gift box has 6 original style cuban cigars; a CHAIRMAN (6" X 60 Ring Gauge), a TORPEDO (6" X 54), a CHURCHILL (7" X 52), a TORO (6" X 52), a VICE CHAIRMAN (4 1/2" x 60) and a ROBUSTO (5" X 52).
The Cuban Crafters Cabinet Selection Connecticut cigar is a smooth, medium to full-bodied cigar with rich and exhilarating tastes. Meticulously handcrafted by skilled Master Rollers, every Cuban Crafters Cabinet Selection Connecticut Vice Chairman is silky and superbly constructed. Each tobacco leaf is hand selected, cured and aged through an extensive fermentation and aging process. After three years and five curing fermentations, the leaves evolve into this perfect medium to full bodied cigar.
Featuring a Cuban style head and Cuban-seed tobacco, they are wrapped in an aged Connecticut shade-grown leaf. As beautiful as these cigars are, their taste overshadows all. The deep complex taste is smooth, rich and exhilarating with creamy baking spices, eggnog notes and woody undertones. The finish is crisp, relaxing and never overpowering. 6 are hand packaged in a cedar wood box.
These fine Cuban Crafters Cabinet Selection Connecticut cigars make you reminisce of the old days, when a cigar from Cuba meant that it was the best in the world. Each is meticulously handmade by highly trained master rollers. They are impeccable, silky and finished like those from days gone by. The cap has a long curly head, as those of the past.
Smoking one is an experience all by itself. It has a draw that is firm and effortless. It burns even, with a long and clean white ash. The unique complex taste is intensely flavorful. It's what cigar smoking should be.