Product Description
Cuban Copy Habano Chairman cigars are big and totally handmade. They're aged and have a smooth medium to full bodied taste that makes them true winners. Tony's Chairman Habano cigars have a huge 60 ring gauge, almost an inch, and are creamy with well balanced and complex earthy notes of coffee, cedar, toast and raw cocoa. The wrapper is an exquisite Cuban-seed Habano sun-grown leaf from Nicaragua. The binder and aged mixed-fillers are Cuban-seed habano from Nicaragua. It's a Puro made for smokers who appreciate the complexity of an all Nicaragua Habano cigar.
Tony has been making fine cigars since Cuba and these premium cigars prove his talents. Tony Alvarez is a well-regarded Cuban Master cigar maker. He grew tobacco and hand rolled perfect cigars in Cuba for Monte Cristo, Romeo y Julieta and Cohiba. He then fled Cuba and while in Miami, Florida rolled for Don Tito, La Gloria Cubana and CAONAO cigars. Tony knows cigars so he went to Esteli, Nicaragua and opened his own small factory. His cigars are all totally made by hand, and many he makes himself. He only uses premium wrappers, binders and fillers. As in the traditional cuban cigar factory, not a single cigar leaves his factory until he personally inspects them. They are all top premiums. That is the only way that Tony knows how to make them.
Each Chairman is 6 inches long with a big ring gauge of 60. 25 cigars are hand packed in a cellophane bundle. At these prices it is like buying wholesale. Quantities are limited so hurry and get these low-priced premium cigars before they are sold out.