Product Description
Power House Toro cigars are full-bodied boutique premium cigars distinguished by a flavorful Nicaraguan sun-grown maduro wrapper used exclusively for this selection. Our Latest masterpiece, the Power House Toro, combines power, smoothness and taste, with a full-bodied flavor. The Binder and filler feature rich Nicaraguan Ligero #2 aged a full four years. It is then enveloped in an opulent Nicaraguan maduro wrapper. This combination of tobacco makes this one of our strongest cigars that lives up to its name.
Seamless construction, a creamy-smooth draw, ultra-rich flavors and a sweet aroma make this bold Power House a cigar aficionado's delight. The powerfully complex taste has naturally sweet tobacco, a touch of pepper, rich cocoa that intermingles with coffee, and floral undertones. The exhilarating finish brings in creamy chocolate and wood notes. You couldn't ask for more from an after dinner cigar. Power House Toro is 6 inches long with a 54 ring gauge. 20 are hand-packed in a cedar box.
Cuban Crafters' Power House cigars are meticulously handcrafted by skilled Master rollers. They are silky and finished the way cigars from Cuba used to be, with a cap that has a curly head. As in the traditional Cuban way, each tobacco leaf is hand picked and selected based on its fine qualities. The leaves are then cured and aged through an extensive fermentation and aging process. After four years and multiple curing fermentations, the leaves evolve into a perfect cigar at the hands of artisans.
Smoking it is an experience all by itself. The draw is perfect and it burns evenly. The white ash is exceptionally long and clean. The complex taste is intensely flavorful and full in body. This is what smoking cigars is all about.