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Davidoff Grand Cru No.5.Cigar 41 X 4. Box of 25

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Davidoff Grand Cru No.5.Cigar 41 X 4. Box of 25

Product Description

The Davidoff Grand Cru series provides cultivated refinement to the cigar aficionado through its depth and character that is second to none. Each individual cigar is finely crafted from meticulously selected components to deliver a layered and enchanting palate stimulation. Carefully selected leaves create a woody, nutty and slightly spicy blend that emits a refined, woody aroma that personifies time beautifully filled.

The Davidoff Grand Cru No. 5 packs complexity and aroma into a short Petit Corona format, ideal with an aperitif or a well-earned coffee break. This delicate blend of premium tobaccos create a complex mild Petit Corona that will stand with any other great smoke