Product Description
Perfectos by EDEN are premium Torpedo shaped cigars. They're handmade by Cuban-born artisans. These mild Perfectos have a rich blend of Cuban seed long-fillers from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. The binder is aged Criollo tobacco and it's all enveloped in an elite Connecticut seed shade-grown wrapper. This magnificent blend of aged tobacco provides a creamy and rich complex taste that's mild, yet has all the complexities you only get from a full-bodied cigar.
It starts with a sweet, light tobacco taste that includes cream, nuts and notes of cedar. The rich and chewy smoke brings you creamy tastes of coffee, Oak and nutmeg. Handmade by Cuban-born rollers in the Dominican Republic, you'll notice the fine construction and quality that was put into every one of these handmade gems. EDEN Perfectos are an excellent choice for those who enjoy mild cigars with flavorful taste. Perfectos are 5 3/4 inches long and have a ring gauge of 52. Each Cuban style box brings 25 cigars.
EDEN cigars were originally handmade in Cuba by Calixto Lopez. His Eden Cigar Company became world famous in 1904, at the St. Louis World's Fair. The Eden brand won the Grand Prize for it's distinction as the world's finest Havana cigar. EDEN de Cuban Crafters continues his tradition of making the best cigars in the world. From their taste, construction and their triple mounted Cuban head, EDEN is everything that you expect from a great Cuban cigar and more. It's long history and legacy comes through with every puff.