Product Description
Medina 1959 Miami Edition Churchill Maduro single cigars fresh from the cigar roller's table. Crowds come into our main Miami Mega Store daily to pick up some freshly made Medina 1959 Miami Edition Churchill Maduro cigars. The cigars don't have a cigar band but their construction and taste is clearly Cuban. These Maduro cigars are only available seasonally, and only in the Miami Mega Store. The word has spread quickly about these wonderful cigars so many are calling and asking if they can get these same cigars online. Well now you can. These are the freshly handmade cigars from the Cuban Crafters Miami Cigar Factory.
This Maduro Churchill is hand made at the Cuban Crafters Miami cigar factory by one of the world's most talented Cuban cigar roller. Medina 1959 Miami Limited Edition Churchill Maduros have that special and elegant taste that only pre-1959 Havana cigars had. That's because they are made under the watchful eye of Manuel Medina, a legend in the history of Cuban cigars. From the dry Cuban-seed tobacco bunching to the precise blending of different tobacco leaves, this cigar yells quality and elegance. While it's beautiful to look it, it's even better to smoke.
The medium to full bodied smoke is filled with rich tastes of cocoa, nuts, mild spices and earthy cream that coats your mouth and keeps you hoping it never ends. They can only be compared to the pre-Castro Cuban cigars that magically grabbed your attention at the start and kept you satisfied until the very end. The Cuban-seed Habano long-filler and binder are aged for 6 years and the super-premium Cuban-seed wrapper is aged for at least 5 years.
This combination of tobacco was blended by Manuel Medina to match the exact taste that he remembers when he first started rolling cigars in Havana, Cuba. Each Churchill is 7 inches long with a ring gauge of 50.
1959 was a year of luxurious self-indulgence, romance and when Fidel Castro changed the course of history in Cuba. It was also when Medina started rolling cigars. He eventually became one of the most celebrated Master Rollers in Havana. Manuel Medina played a formidable role in Cuba's cigar history. He started as a roller at the H. Upmann factory in Cuba. His talents were quickly recognized and he eventually became the factory's Master Cigar Maker, overseeing hundreds of master cigar rollers. He was then promoted and became the Master Cigar Maker in Cuba's Davidoff factory.
His talents were showcased throughout Europe, leading him to travel extensively. During one of those trips, he decided to seek freedom instead of success. Medina made Miami, Florida his new home. He is now in charge of making limited edition cigars at Cuban Crafters' Miami factory. Some of the Master Rollers who make the Medina 1959 Miami Edition cigars even worked for him in Havana, Cuba.
Medina 1959 Miami Edition re-creates the pre-Castro Cuban cigars, when Cubans were considered the best in the world. These cigars are unquestionably captivating. Each one is hand made by a decorated Cuban born roller in Miami. These Medina 1959 Miami Edition Churchill Cigars are hand made by Manuel Medina himself and by Oscar Medoza. They exemplify the talents and skills of these life-long cigar makers.
Oscar has been rolling cigars for over 25 years and is a Churchill cigar expert. It's the size he rolled in Cuba's Partagas factory. Oscar arrived from Cuba a few years ago and has been working at Cuban Crafters for about 1 year. Together with Medina, he continues to make cigars with magical qualities.