Product Description
Fresh from the Cuban cigar roller's table in Miami, Florida are 50 Miami Reroll Cigars in a bundle. The Churchill Rerolls are handmade from the cigars that don't make the cut during the production of the Medina 1959 Miami Edition cigars. They are taken and the tobacco is unrolled and then rerolled in a Habano long-leaf, and with a Cuban-seed Habano binder and a Habano 2000 wrapper. They've become a Miami local favorite. Crowds come into our main Miami Mega Store daily to pick up some of these freshly made rerolls. Our Miami Mega Store is where the factory is located. The word has spread quickly about these wonderful and affordable cigars so many are calling and asking if they can get these same Reroll cigars online. Well now you can. These are the freshly handmade Rerolls from the Cuban Crafters Miami Cigar Factory. They are hand made at the Cuban Crafters Miami cigar factory by the world's most talented Cuban cigar rollers.
Handmade with the same tobacco as the Medina 1959 Miami cigars, the medium to full body smoke is filled with delightful tastes of toasted nuts, earthy notes, mild spices, a tad of salt and creamy floral undertones. They smoke and burn perfectly because they're handmade under the watchful eye of Manuel Medina, a legend in the history of Cuban cigars.
Each Miami Reroll Churchill cigar is 7 inches long with a large ring gauge of 50. They have a curly head and 50 cigars are hand-packed in a bundle.
1959 was a year of luxurious self-indulgence, romance and when Fidel Castro changed the course of history in Cuba.It was also when Medina started rolling cigars. He eventually became one of the most celebrated Master Rollers in Cuba. Manuel Medina played a formidable role in Cuba's cigar history. He started as a roller at the H. Upmann factory in Cuba. His talents were quickly recognized and he eventually became the factory's Master Cigar Maker, overseeing hundreds of master cigar rollers. He was then promoted and became the Master Cigar Maker in Cuba's Davidoff factory.
His talents were showcased throughout Europe, leading him to travel extensively. During one of those trips, he decided to seek freedom instead of success. Medina made Miami, Florida his new home. He is in charge of cigar production at Cuban Crafters' Miami factory. Some of the Master Rollers who make the Medina 1959 Miami Edition cigars even worked for him in Cuba.