Product Description
Montecristo White Pronto Petite cigars are handmade in the Dominican Republic with the highest grade tobacco. The elegant Montecristo White boasts a lovely, hand-selected Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade-grown wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder and a blend of select Dominican and Nicaraguan long fillers. This combination produces a rich, creamy and flavorful well-rounded taste.
Montecristo Pronto Petite's are medium to full bodied and have a rich aroma and a smooth taste. They are handmade with impeccable perfection, making them masterpieces. The taste is refreshing, with a soft taste of marshmallows and a hint of chocolate, they remind you of a scrumptious s'more. This makes for a unique, enjoyable smoking experience.
Montecristo White Series Pronto Petietes are 5 inches with a ring gauge of 10. They're packed 6 to a box and backed by our exclusive money-back full satisfaction guarantee.