Product Description
These delicious Rum cigars are handmade with premium Dominican tobacco wrapped around smooth and aromatic Cuban rum flavored pipe tobacco. Premium pipe tobacco is soaked in pure and natural sweet Cuban rum flavorings and then hand rolled inside long-filler tobacco.
The natural taste of rum and sweet tobacco blend together to provide a uniquely enjoyable smoking experience. Whether it's just a break or after a meal, you'll enjoy every inch of it. This rum flavored cigar is sweet and flavored to perfection. Petite Corona are 4 inches long and have a ring gauge of 34. 25 Petit Corona are hand-packed in a bundle.
There's an art to making Cuban rum flavored cigars totally by hand. Rene, a Cuban cigar maker with many years of experience has it down pat. Years ago he opened a factory in the Dominican Republic where all he does is produce these flavorful sticks. He starts with aged long-filler premium tobacco, the same used in some of the world's best cigars. He takes fully cured and seasoned pipe tobacco, full of rich rum taste and aroma, and carefully rolls it in these tobacco leaves.
The result is a taste that can only be described as amazing. Sweet, rich and exactly what you expect from a world-class cigar. That's why smokers are willing to pay about $5 for each of his flavored cigars at retail stores throughout the country. He needed some of our premium tobacco so we took advantage and traded it with him for cigars. We got a great deal and are passing the savings on to you.