Product Description
Tatiana Cognac Natural cigars are premium, hand-rolled flavored cigars made in the Dominican Republic with Cuban seed Dominican longfillers and Indonesian grown wrappers. The tobacco used for these marvelous cigars are aged for 2 years making sure you get a smooth smoke. The Cognac cigars have a sweet cognac flavor with hints of molasses and spice, a very delicious mild cigar that is sure to tickle your taste buds and have your coming back for more.
Whether during a break or after a meal, you'll enjoy every inch of it. These mini sized cigars are 6 inches long and have a ring gauge of 44. 5 are hand-packed and individually sealed.
Tatiana cigars are packaged in a variety of box, tins, bundles, and tubos in the most popular and exotic flavors. If you want to enjoy one of the best-made and most affordable flavored cigars on the market, 'flavor the moment' with Tatiana.