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Cuban Crafters Cabinet Selection Churchill Cigar 7 X 52

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Cuban Crafters Cabinet Selection Churchill Cigar 7 X 52

Product Description

Factory Direct Cigars. Cuban Crafters Cabinet Selection Churchill cigars are skillfully hand made by rollers with years of experience. The Long Filler is a sun-grown Cuban-Seed Habano tobacco that is surrounded by a Binder of superior quality Habano 2000. It is magnificently draped in a dark and flawless Habano Wrapper from Ecuador. The cigar has a large ring size of 52 and is 7 inches long. They are delicately finished in the factory with a curly head that's typical of the Cigars originally made in Cuba many years ago.

As the rest of Cuban Crafters Cigars, it is TOTALMENTE HECHO A MANO, which means that from start to finish each cigar is completely made by hand. This is a handmade cigar for the real aficionado who enjoys an intensely flavorful cigar that has well balanced floral flavors, leather undertones, hints of spices and nuts. It ends with whispers of coffee and chocolate.

This Churchill cigar brings to mind the times when Cuban cigars were the best in the world. Exceptionally finished, it is hand made by highly skilled rollers. They are silky and impeccably box pressed, and are finished the way Cuban cigars were in the good old days. The cap is finished with a long curly head, and the foot is a classic tail. As those cuban cigars of the past, each of the tobacco leaves is hand picked and selected on its ability to improve the taste. The perfect leaves are then cured and aged through a long and extensive fermentation and aging process. After three years and five curing fermentations, the leaves evolve into a wonderful cigar at the hands of these highly trained artisans. Smoking one is an experience all by itself. It has a draw that is firm and smooth. It burns evenly, leaving a white ash that is long and clean. The complex taste is intensely flavorful and full in body. This is what smoking cigars is all about!